Our feelings are temporary;
our thoughts do not define us.

Virtual Therapy IN NEW JERSEy, new york, & Florida

Professional headshot of Emiliy Austin, LCSW

Emily Austin, LCSW

I’m Emily Austin. My goal is to create an open and gentle space for women struggling with anxiety and OCD.

Take a breath. I’m so glad you’re here. 

A building with mural that reads, "how are you really?"

I help millennial women who view themselves as over-thinkers and internalizers build greater self-confidence and improve their decision-making skills.

You’re not alone if you’re a high-functioning millennial woman grappling with anxiety and OCD. Even though you appear self-assured, sociable, and successful in your career, you are struggling internally with intrusive thoughts, obsessive patterns, and crippling self-doubt.

You take pride in being a supportive friend, a dedicated employee, and a loving partner. You deeply value your relationships and strive to be there for the people you care about. Yet, beneath the surface, you may be battling persistent ruminative thoughts and feelings of self-doubt.

When my clients first come to see me, they often feel overwhelmed by distressing and intrusive thoughts that shake their confidence and cause them to doubt their own character. A simple request for a meeting from their boss might trigger fears of being fired. A fleeting doubt about their romantic partner can lead them to question the depth of their love. If a friend doesn't text back promptly, they might fear the worst, imagining a terrible accident. They have a remarkable ability to jump to negative conclusions.

A woman's face partially covered by a blanket in bed.

Our brains are powerful but can be tricky, often fixating on our most personal and vulnerable aspects.

When we try to avoid obsessive thoughts, they often become even more persistent, intensifying our distress and reinforcing the belief that we lack control over our own minds. This creates a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Before starting therapy, many of my clients worried that discussing these thoughts would make them more real or that I, as their therapist, might validate their intrusive thoughts. They compared their struggles to those of others and felt undeserving of therapy, believing their issues were not as significant as those faced by people in less fortunate situations. They felt they should be able to manage it on their own.

Like my clients, you deserve to live a life where you feel secure and empowered, free from constant self-doubt and pressure. Therapy can help you build the confidence to make decisions without second-guessing yourself.

I’m here to help take some of that pressure off of you.